Our Champions


We call our talented athletes


At Play True, we work with talented youngsters who have the potential to become a champion given proper training, coaching, healthy food and exposure/experience/opportunities.

Every young athlete we sign up is our champion. A champion player is a product — a result of many components working in tandem. What we look for in a youngster is talent, vision, commitment, and the hunger to win despite challenges and odds. And above all to have a positive attitude of a sportsperson.

Our Champions

Play True has signed up with five talented girls in different sports but all striving hard to become a champion. Support in the early stages of their career is key to developing them into winners.

Pranati Nair

Table Tennis Player

Vidarsa K Vinod

Vidarsa K Vinod

Rifle Shooter

A player-management and sports-marketing company with a mission to identify young  talented athletes and inspire them to become champions.

© Playtrue 2021


TC 15/169, No5, F Street,

Vellayambalam, Sasthamangalam P O

Trivandrum Thiruvananthapuram – 695010
